Dr Greg Pritchard is an inter- and multi-disciplinary Regional artist with a long history as performance artist, writer (in many genres), digital media artist, installation artist, and conceptual artist.
His work in Regional arts include Cultural Development Officer for Horsham Rural City Council, inaugural Regional Arts Development Officer for the Western Riverina, and various Artistic Director, producer, production manager and curator positions.
He was artistic director for both the Regional Arts Australia conference Artlands in Dubbo in 2016 putting together a program over 15 venues and employing 140+ artists.
In 2019 he was Artistic Director for Artstate Tamworth, Regional Arts NSW annual regional arts festival/conference, which had a high percentage of Kamilaroi work. http://www.artstate.com.au/artstate-arts-program/arts-events/
Currently working in Wagga, up until covid he was relatively nomadic having held artistic positions in Natimuk, Dubbo, Bendigo, Tamworth and Wagga in the last five years. He is a passionate advocate for Regional Arts and is on the Board of Regional Arts Victoria.