Hooly Dooly Hooping




Last updated: 11/07/21

Hooly Dooly! “How does she do it?” Well you can too! I am an accredited Hula Hoop coach and self-taught Hula Hooper Performer in the Riverina local to Wagga Wagga offering introductory classes for people new to hooping and for others more familiar with the hoop that are looking to elevate their skills. I first witnessed this performance of flow at a music festival called a “Bush Doof”.  Hooping soon began as a way for me to include more movement into my life, this is the seed that was planted leading me to a new level of passion, improving my coordination, better health habits – mentally, physically, creatively, deepening friendships, making new connections and opening doors to entire communities I didn’t know existed!

Need a hobby? Make hooping your habit and see all the benefits it can manifest in your life.

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