Aunty Fay Moseley




Last updated: 17/07/24

Aunty Fay is a strong, independent Wiradjuri woman, who has had a very challenging but compelling journey from her childhood to where she is today. Currently, she is an Elder, a sister, a mother of four, a grandmother of nineteen, a great grandmother of six and an aunty. She has also been a member of various committees including the Coota Girls Corporation and the Stolen Generations Advisory Committee, as well as being an amazing artist!
During her adult life she has had a career in nursing, worked in Juvenile Justice and for DOCS (Department of Community Services) and was
the ‘boss’ (CEO) of the Liverpool Local Aboriginal Lands Council. Over her adult life she told us that she has been involved in many “mad and
wonderful things.”
Currently, working alongside her partner Uncle Bill Wallace, Aunty Fay continues to create beautiful detailed paintings.

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